Andrea Large – Chair
Community Foundation for Mason County
2nd term ends 12/25
John Nielsen - Chair Elect
FloraCraft Corp.
2nd term ends 12/26
Crystal Young - Secretary/Treasurer
West Shore Community College
1st term ends 12/25
Eric Gustad - Past Chair
Consumers Energy
2nd term ends 12/25
Sarah Holmes - Member At-Large
House of Flavors, Inc.
1st term ends 12/27
Drew Dostal
Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital
2nd term ends 12/26
Jim Virden
West Shore Bank
1st term ends 12/25
Jenna Simpler
Cartier Mansion
2nd term ends 12/27
Sheri Eaton
Cluck Bucket
1st term ends 12/27
Adam Johnson
Safe Harbor Credit Union
1st term ends 12/26
Jeff Mount
Mason County Central Schools
2nd term ends 12/27
Kyle Corlett
Ludington Area Schools
2nd term ends 12/27
Ex-officio/Non-Voting Members:
Brandy Miller
Chamber President/CEO
Kristi Zimmerman
Economic Development Director
Kaitlyn Aldrich
Manager, City of Ludington
Clarence Goodlein
Manager, City of Scottville
Scott Smith
Smith & Eddy Insurance