OxyChem Spruces Up City’s Waterfront Park
On a warm summer morning last week, 40 OxyChem employees wearing red sesquicentennial t-shirts gathered at Waterfront Park to give back to the community.
Workers spread wood chips around the playground equipment and repainted areas of the concert pavilion, concerted efforts that coincide with the City of Ludington’s 150th anniversary.
Department of Public Works employees assisted by hauling in the wood chips, which were paid for by OxyChem. The company also provided financing for the paint and new benches for the park.
“We’ve been here for 80 years and contributed to the community in many different ways, whether financially or by serving,” said John Henderson, human resources manager for Oxy, who planned the local endeavor. “This project involves business and marketing folks from across the country, who were at a retreat in Montague and will spend a couple/three hours with us to give back.”
In addition, a new water faucet that allows for bottle filling has been provided by OxyChem and now available for use at Waterfront Park.
“Oxy wants to be engaged in the community,” Henderson said, “We want to be a good partner. We’re fixing it up and getting it cleaned up. It really helps boost the city’s ability to do this, so the public can enjoy it.”
The sales and marketing teams had been involved in strategic planning at their retreat and chose Ludington for a service project to work on together as part of their annual gathering.
Jason Welch, general manager of sales from Dallas, TX, was visiting Ludington and took part in the painting.
“This is really a treat for all of us,” he said.
In other communities in the U.S., Welch said, OxyChem has worked on projects such as hygiene backpacks for homeless veterans and energy conservation in Louisiana Public Schools. He was glad to see that the Waterfront Park project in Ludington fit in with the city’s sesquicentennial.
OxyChem also served as a co-presenter of the 150th-anniversary street party held in Downtown Ludington in June, a celebration where 10,000 people gathered for games, music and fireworks.